Breast Augmentation


What is breast augmentation surgery (placement of silicone implants)?

The surgery is done in a hospital setting where the patient is subjected to anesthesia. An incision is performed in order to open space for a silicone implant. After the implant is placed, the incision is closed with sutures and dressing is applied on the scar.

What type of anesthesia is used for Breast Augmentation surgery?

Placement can be performed with local anesthesia, sedation and location, blocks and general anesthesia. The plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist will decide on the best anesthesia option for the particular case.

How long is the surgery?

The surgery lasts on average 1 hour.

Where are the incisions made?

The incisions commonly used for placement of silicone implants are made in the inframammary crease, the periareolar region and axillary region. Each type of incision will be discussed with the patient prior to the surgery.

What is the extent of the scars?

The scars vary in size between 3 and 5 cm depending on the patient and the type of implant used. The end result of scarring in most cases is very favorable, except in patients prone to keloids and hypertrophic scars.

What are the different types of breast implants on the market?

Currently there are three types of implants: smooth, polyurethane and textured. Different types of implants are suitable for different patients, which will be discussed during your initial consultation with the surgeon.

How to decide on the volume and type of implant for my breast augmentation surgery?

During the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss the types of implants available and their application. The volume to be used will be discussed with the patient considering some body parameters including: width and length of the breasts chest, thickness of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and the initial breast volume.

Will placement of implants in my breasts interfere with breastfeeding?

No, the surgery will not change the architecture of the mammary gland and will not interfere with breastfeeding. The implant is placed under the mammary gland or the pectoral muscle.

How long do implants last?

There is currently no consensus on the need for change or the durability of the current implants. The existing recommendation is for the patient to perform regular postoperative follow-ups. In cases of rupture or capsular contracture the implants will be replaced.

What is capsular contracture?

It is an exaggerated retraction of the fibrous capsule (that normally forms around the implant), which determines the degree of hardening region when palpated. In some patients, this reaction can be very intense which will cause pain and need for a new procedure to replace the implants. This reaction is not a reflection of the quality of the surgery but a anomalous reaction of the body to the implant.

How long do I have to stay in the hospital for breast augmentation surgery?

The patient should stay one to three days after the operation.

Is there any risks involved with breast augmentation surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery is very common with extremely low risk. On occasions, the patient can consider more serious complications such as bruising.

Will dressings be used?

Yes, dressings with gauze and micropore will be used and changed daily by the surgeron.

When are the stitches removed?

The suture are self-absorbable and there is no need to remove them.

How long should I wear the bra after surgery?

The ideal time is 45 days.

When can I return to driving?

It is highly recommended that the patient does not drive at least 3 weeks after operation.

When can I return to physical activities?

You should slowly return to exercising – lightweight hiking after 15 days; weight training exercises that do not involve arms or chest after 20 days; and those involving the arms and chest after 45 days.

Preoperative Recommendations:

  • Report the team before the operation, provide flu or indisposition;
  • Fasting is required for at least the last 8 hours before the surgery.
  • Avoid alcohol, drugs or very hearty meals the day before surgery;

Postoperative Recommendations:

  • Avoid efforts in the first 15 days;
  • Do not move your arms excessively;
  • Do not expose yourself to the sun for 6 months;
  • Obey the prescriptions;


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