
To start at early stages the anti aging treatment this kind of mesotherapy was developed. This treatment is to restore the pool of hyaluronic acid in deep skin layer ( dermal level) by tiny needle as by topical application such a big hyaluronic acid molecule which size bigger than 2 microns (epidermal capacity of absorption is below) just can not be transferred into dermal layer. The functioning hyaluronic acid is for normal osmotic and diffusion functions for proper metabolism of skin cells. The set of 4 to 8 sessions with every 2-3 weeks gab is recommended in follow cases: Young skin – ageing prophylaxis, decrease of skin elasticity and solidity, dry and dehydrated skin, „Stressful skin”, impact of free radicals, Inadequate nutrition, small wrinkles, In case of sharp gravitational and mimics wrinkles, Gravitational changes of face oval, Greyish, „tired“‚ „smoker’s” skin, Before or in combination with other aesthetic procedures in order to improve results before plastic surgeries, After aggressive skin procedures, Impairment of skin relief solidity (post-acne, stretch marks, scars) and their prophylaxis, Before sunbathes as well as seeking to revitalize skin after sun exposure, i.e., holidays, After various stressful situations.


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